We hope to answer many of the questions that may already be on your mind. If we missed one, feel free to
reach out and ask.
- What makes Bonnie Meadow Publishing unique?
- We believe that the key to selling books is highlighting the author as the brand, not the publisher. As we grow, a key part of what we offer is brand-building expertise - making it easier, more enjoyable and more affordable for readers to discover and devour great books.
- What kind of books can we expect from BMP?
- For now we are focusing on fiction, primarily Thrillers and Romantic Suspense. In the future, we plan to expand our offerings to include additional fiction categories as well as non-fiction.
- Where can I buy BMP titles?
- Here is a page featuring our independent retailers who carry our titles. In addition, our titles are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes Store, Kobo.
- How can I find out about new titles you will be publishing?
- Subscribe to our email list and we will be happy to update you with pertinent information.
- I'm an independent bookseller. How can I order BMP titles for my customers?
- We offer a standard trade discount through our distribution partner, Bookmasters. In addition, Baker & Taylor and Ingram stock our titles. Please contact us to request a link from our website to the BMP titles offered on your website.
- I'm a library. Are your books available for my patrons?
- Yes! We are big supporters of libraries. Print and eBook editions are available through Baker & Taylor.
- Do you have resources (discussion guides) for book clubs?
- Yes. Please visit this page for book clubs on our website. In addition, we encourage you to subscribe to our email list so that we can let you know about upcoming releases and new discussion guides when they are available.
- Are you hiring or looking for freelancers (editors, copy editors, artists, digital marketers, social media gurus)?
- We're always looking for great talent. If you are one, please use the contact form to tell us what makes you special. We'll do our best to get back to you promptly.
- Are you accepting new authors?
- Yes we are. Right now we are seeking established authors who share our philosophy of publishing: the author is the brand and needs to be more involved (and assume more risk) in the publishing process. We invite you to Subscribe to our email list and learn about what we are doing.
- Do I need an agent in order to work with BMP?
- That choice is entirely up to you. We will work directly with either an author or an author's agent.
- I have an idea for a new novel. Can you help me write it/get it published?
- Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to help you turn your dream into a reality. But to help you be successful, here is a tip sheet for aspiring authors.